Side Projects
Side Projects
Check out some fun projects over the recent and ongoing semesters!
Ranging from map design for a friend's wedding gift, to setting up GIS Day mapping activities for children in San Marcos, these projects have been a way for me to continue to grow and share
my passion for cartography and visualization both academically and personally.
GIS Day Children's Mapping Activity
The City of San Marcos GIS Workgroup and myself from Texas State University had an awesome time collaborating with the San Marcos Public Library to share our love of mapping with some of the local children (and their parents) of San Marcos! The creative and engaging activity “Map the Library” was a big success. We loved meeting all the kids that participated and sharing in their excitement at seeing the library through a new lens. Check out the photos to the right to explore what the day looked like.
Special thanks to Jess Neuner, Christie Robinson, and Patricia Hom with the City of San Marcos GIS Team, and Ashley Schimelmen with the San Marcos Public Library!
November 2022
Wedding Drink-Koozie Map Design
For a fellow PhD student and friend of mine, I designed the back portion of their drink holders/koozies that displayed a map from everywhere their guests traveled from to celebrate them at their wedding! Scroll the photos to the left to see the design process, including fun symbols like airplanes and a heart over Nebraska, where the wedding took place.
For the wedding photos included, credit to:
October 2022
ESRI Story Map
For a course in Environmental History at the U.S./Mexico Border in the Fall of 2022, our final project was to create a story map on a topic of interest as it relates to the environment and the border. I chose a species of endangered butterflies, and how the construction of the border negatively impacts the migration patterns and ultimately the survival of these beautiful creatures. Check out some screenshots of the project to the right, or view the StoryMap itself here:
December 2022