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 Map Credit: esri ArcGIS online

IPRED Conference 2018

International Conference on Preparedness and Response to Emergencies & Disasters

Presentation Slides

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All Videos
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The above video is a shortened version (made up of clips) of my 10 minute presentation on Morbidity and Mortality of Texas Tornado Outbreaks.

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Presentation Recording


Tel Aviv,


Check out what the presentation room looked like! Click to expand.


A problem I came across while preparing my presentation was verbally explaining the classifications I created for the different control groups in my research. As seen on the right (and on slide 8 in the presentation slides above), I created symbols for each of the 4 categories of tornado groups that I compared. Though this still takes a little bit of explaining (which can be found in the presentation recording above), this creative and simple visualization is more intuitive and efficiently understood. 

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Published Abstract

To the left is an image of the abstract that was published in IPRED V's Abstract eBook found here on page 185.

Below are the co-authors that assisted in this research during the CyberHeathGIS program.

Daniel Goldberg

Associate Professor 

Department of Geography

Tracy Hammond


Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Andrew Klein


Department of Geography

Jennifer Horney

Department Head/Associate Professor

Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics 

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